Deep Learning

1. Forward and backwards pass

Based on the DL08 slide uploaded in the yscec, we will do studies for implementing forward and backwards pass.

(a) Complete the code

Complete forward and backpropagation code based on the DL08 slide.


To draw error rate figure, I will store a error value from each iteration of a for loop in the err list.

To see the changes in parameters, , I will store weight values from each iteration of a for loop in the wei list.

To see the prediction results within 1,000 iterations, I will store output values from each iteration of a for loop in the output list.

Set the number of iterations.

Repeat below for number of iterations

for (i in 1:iteration) {
  res = forwardProp(input, w, b)
  output[i] = list(cbind(res[3], res[4]))
  outh1 = res[1]; outh2 = res[2]; outo1 = res[3]; outo2 = res[4]
  #compute dE_dw5
  dE_douto1 = -( out[1] - outo1 )
  douto1_dneto1 = outo1*(1-outo1)
  dneto1_dw5 = outh1
  dE_dw5 = dE_douto1*douto1_dneto1*dneto1_dw5
  #compute dE_dw6
  dneto1_dw6 = outh2
  dE_dw6 = dE_douto1*douto1_dneto1*dneto1_dw6
  #compute dE_dw7
  dE_douto2 = -( out[2] - outo2 )
  douto2_dneto2 = outo2*(1-outo2)
  dneto2_dw7 = outh1
  dE_dw7 = dE_douto2*douto2_dneto2*dneto2_dw7
  #compute dE_dw8
  dneto2_dw8 = outh2
  dE_dw8 = dE_douto2*douto2_dneto2*dneto2_dw8
  #compute dE_db2
  dE_db2 = dE_douto1*douto1_dneto1*1+dE_douto2*douto2_dneto2*1
  #compute dE_douth1
  dneto1_douth1 = w5
  dneto2_douth1 = w7
  dE_douth1 = dE_douto1*douto1_dneto1*dneto1_douth1 + dE_douto2*douto2_dneto2*dneto2_douth1
  #compute dE_dw1
  douth1_dneth1 = outh1*(1-outh1)
  dneth1_dw1 = input[1]
  dE_dw1 = dE_douth1*douth1_dneth1*dneth1_dw1

  #compute dE_dw2
  dneth1_dw2 = input[2]
  dE_dw2 = dE_douth1*douth1_dneth1*dneth1_dw2
  #compute dE_douth2
  dneto1_douth2 = w6
  dneto2_douth2 = w8
  dE_douth2 = dE_douto1*douto1_dneto1*dneto1_douth2 + dE_douto2*douto2_dneto2*dneto2_douth2
  #compute dE_dw3
  douth2_dneth2 = outh2*(1-outh2)
  dneth2_dw3 = input[1]
  dE_dw3 = dE_douth2*douth2_dneth2*dneth2_dw3

  #compute dE_dw4
  dneth2_dw4 = input[2]
  dE_dw4 = dE_douth2*douth2_dneth2*dneth2_dw4
  #compute dE_db1
  dE_db1 = dE_douto1*douto1_dneto1*dneto1_douth1*douth1_dneth1*1 +
  #update all parameters via a gradient descent
  w1 = w1 - gamma*dE_dw1
  w2 = w2 - gamma*dE_dw2
  w3 = w3 - gamma*dE_dw3
  w4 = w4 - gamma*dE_dw4
  w5 = w5 - gamma*dE_dw5
  w6 = w6 - gamma*dE_dw6
  w7 = w7 - gamma*dE_dw7
  w8 = w8 - gamma*dE_dw8
  b1 = b1 - gamma*dE_db1
  b2 = b2 - gamma*dE_db2

  w = c(w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7, w8)
  b = c(b1, b2)
  err[i] = error(res, out)
  wei[i] = list(w)}

Full code

w1 = 0.15; w2 = 0.20; w3 = 0.25; w4 = 0.30; w5 = 0.40; w6 = 0.45; w7 = 0.50; w8 = 0.55
w = c(w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7, w8)

b1 = 0.35; b2 = 0.60r
b = c(b1, b2)

input1 = 0.05; input2 = 0.10
input = c(input1, input2)

out1 = 0.01; out2 = 0.99
out = c(out1, out2)

gamma = 0.5

sigmoid = function(z){return( 1/(1+exp(-z) ))}

forwardProp = function(input, w, b){
  neth1 = w[1]*input[1] + w[2]*input[2] + b[1]
  neth2 = w[3]*input[1] + w[4]*input[2] + b[1]
  outh1 = sigmoid(neth1)
  outh2 = sigmoid(neth2)
  neto1 = w[5]*outh1 + w[6]*outh2 + b[2]
  neto2 = w[7]*outh1 + w[8]*outh2 + b[2]
  outo1 = sigmoid(neto1)
  outo2 = sigmoid(neto2)
  res = c(outh1, outh2, outo1, outo2)

error = function(res, out){
  err = 0.5*(out[1] - res[3])^2 + 0.5*(out[2] - res[4])^2

iteration = 1000
err <- c()
wei <- c()
#output <- c()

for (i in 1:iteration)) {
  res = forwardProp(input, w, b)
  output[i] = list(cbind(res[3], res[4]))
  outh1 = res[1]; outh2 = res[2]; outo1 = res[3]; outo2 = res[4]
  #compute dE_dw5
  dE_douto1 = -( out[1] - outo1 )
  douto1_dneto1 = outo1*(1-outo1)
  dneto1_dw5 = outh1
  dE_dw5 = dE_douto1*douto1_dneto1*dneto1_dw5
  #compute dE_dw6
  dneto1_dw6 = outh2
  dE_dw6 = dE_douto1*douto1_dneto1*dneto1_dw6
  #compute dE_dw7
  dE_douto2 = -( out[2] - outo2 )
  douto2_dneto2 = outo2*(1-outo2)
  dneto2_dw7 = outh1
  dE_dw7 = dE_douto2*douto2_dneto2*dneto2_dw7
  #compute dE_dw8
  dneto2_dw8 = outh2
  dE_dw8 = dE_douto2*douto2_dneto2*dneto2_dw8
  #compute dE_db2
  dE_db2 = dE_douto1*douto1_dneto1*1+dE_douto2*douto2_dneto2*1
  #compute dE_douth1
  dneto1_douth1 = w5
  dneto2_douth1 = w7
  dE_douth1 = dE_douto1*douto1_dneto1*dneto1_douth1 + dE_douto2*douto2_dneto2*dneto2_douth1
  #compute dE_dw1
  douth1_dneth1 = outh1*(1-outh1)
  dneth1_dw1 = input[1]
  dE_dw1 = dE_douth1*douth1_dneth1*dneth1_dw1

  #compute dE_dw2
  dneth1_dw2 = input[2]
  dE_dw2 = dE_douth1*douth1_dneth1*dneth1_dw2
  #compute dE_douth2
  dneto1_douth2 = w6
  dneto2_douth2 = w8
  dE_douth2 = dE_douto1*douto1_dneto1*dneto1_douth2 + dE_douto2*douto2_dneto2*dneto2_douth2
  #compute dE_dw3
  douth2_dneth2 = outh2*(1-outh2)
  dneth2_dw3 = input[1]
  dE_dw3 = dE_douth2*douth2_dneth2*dneth2_dw3

  #compute dE_dw4
  dneth2_dw4 = input[2]
  dE_dw4 = dE_douth2*douth2_dneth2*dneth2_dw4
  #compute dE_db1
  dE_db1 = dE_douto1*douto1_dneto1*dneto1_douth1*douth1_dneth1*1 +
           dE_douto2*douto2_dneto2*dneto2_douth2 *douth2_dneth2*1
  #update all parameters via a gradient descent
  w1 = w1 - gamma*dE_dw1; w2 = w2 - gamma*dE_dw2; w3 = w3 - gamma*dE_dw3; w4 = w4 - gamma*dE_dw4
  w5 = w5 - gamma*dE_dw5; w6 = w6 - gamma*dE_dw6; w7 = w7 - gamma*dE_dw7; w8 = w8 - gamma*dE_dw8
  b1 = b1 - gamma*dE_db1; b2 = b2 - gamma*dE_db2

  w = c(w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7, w8)
  b = c(b1, b2)
  err[i] = error(res, out)
  wei[i] = list(w)}

(b) update weights

By using your code in 1(a), update weight parameters from 1 iteration of forward and backpropagation.

Updated parameters were stored in the wei list. So we can derive updated weights from 1 iteration of forward and backpropagation by wei[[1]]. There are some changes in weight parameters compare to the initial values.

updated weights from the first iteration of forward and backward propagation
W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8
given 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55
1st 0.1497807 0.1995614 0.2497511 0.2995023 0.3589165 0.4086662 0.5113013 0.5613701

(c) different learning rates

Try 3 different learning rates(\(\gamma\) = 0.1, \(\gamma\) = 0.6, \(\gamma\) = 1.2), and repeat forward/back propagation 10,000 iterations. Draw error rate figure, and calculate prediction results as in the page 37-38 of the DL08 slide. Discuss about the convergence of neural network fittings based on different learning rates.

For different learning rates, we can set the gamma parameter differently in the code. And for different iteration number, we can apply iteration = 10000 function.

prediction results

To get differently predicted values through different learning rates, output lists were used. output1, output2 and output3 lists represent 0.1, 0.6 and 1.2 rates respectively.

Table: Prediction results with varying with 10,000 iterations.
learning rate = 0.1 learning rate = 0.6 learning rate = 1.2 True Values
out1 0.0217111 0.0117727 0.0104678 0.01
out2 0.9784156 0.9882453 0.9895359 0.99


Most of the errors become similar at the very left side of the plot. As a result, the differences in the errors of the different learning rates are compressed, making these differences more difficult to judge.

To respond to skewness, therefore, I used logarithmic scales in the figure[1] below. Or, it can be useful to see the first 1,000 iterations in the figure[2] below. Although, every errors from three different learning rate parameters converged well as iteration goes on, it seems obvious that the larger parameters a model has, the better it is.

Also, It can be shown in the previous prediction results too. Although, every three models make prediction well compared to the true values, 0.01, 0.99, it has the closest prediction when model uses the largest learning rate, \(\gamma=1.2\), among them.

This is clear, considering the fact that the more iterations are performed, the more precise parameters become and the larger step size usually helps for the model to move quickly, which makes similar effects on the convergence as the large number of iterations do.

However, It does not mean that always larger step size or learning rate is a good hyeprparameter for models. Too large learning rate can cause the model to converge too quickly to a suboptimal solution, whereas a learning rate that is too small can cause the process to get stuck. Therefore, carefully selecting the learning rate is one of the most important thing in the neural network.

2. perceptron

Based on the DL09 slide uploaded in the yscec, we will do studies for implementing a linear separable classifier (perceptron) for the iris data set.

(a) complete the code

Complete perceptron code for classifying setosa and Virginica based on the DL09 slide.


Here only 2 different species,setosa & Virginica, in the iris data set will be used and sepal & petal length will be the observed values to distinguish between them. Below is a scatter plot showing that setosa and Virginica can be distinguished by a single linear equation.

setosa and Virginica can be split by a straight line

setosa and Virginica can be split by a straight line


Required data is as follows.

Initalize weights, bias and k parameters. k value is to count updates.

Set learning rate to 0.5.

(b) Report results

Report your estimated weight and bias parameters. How many iterations are required for your update?

## [[1]]
##    sepal petal
## 1 124.85 516.9
## [[2]]
## [1] -1710.4
## [[3]]
## [1] 568
sepal petal bias iterations
124.85 516.9 -1710.4 568

(c) Draw linear classifier

Draw your linear classifier for setosa and Virginica as in the page 18 of the DL09 slide.

linear classifier : \[ b + w_1x_1 + w_2x_2 = 0 \]

setosa and Virginica can be split by a straight line

setosa and Virginica can be split by a straight line

이해환 2014121199
